Web Dev News

Friday, September 24, 2004

Cutting-Edge Usability Study using Eyetracking and User Heatmapping!

This is an interesting article and website about a new type of high-accuracy usability testing for websites. Initially, it looks like their technology (called Eyetrack) uses a heatmap of a users face to pinpoint exactly where their eyes are looking on the page. Mapping this to the screen, they can tell exactly how long a users eyes dwell on each section of a page.

Yahoo News Article about Eyetracking
Eyetrack Homepage

Pretty cool stuff, although for a full understanding of the implications of their eyetracking study, they recommend a lot of research into their site. Quoted from their site:

"First, we recommend you read Howard Finberg's characterization of Eyetracking as a tool rather than a solution. Then we suggest you seek a more detailed understanding of how and what Eyetracking actually measures from Eyetools president Colin Johnson. Finally, browse the FAQ -– and additional links on the left side of this page –- in pursuit of additional info. "

Phewph! Well I haven't read all of that, but let me know in the comments if it's interesting!


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